Just last week I found out that a girl I went to school with passed away. She was younger then me. I meet her in guitar class. She was amazing. I thought that she had some thing going for her.
She graduated and moved on. I forgot about her in the business of my education and life.
And then my dad called from work to tell me that she and two other girls died of some kind of carbon monoxide poison. This just shows me that we are never to young to die.
So be wise when you do something or make a decision because it could al ways be your last one . I'm praying that she knew Jesus, because I missed my chances to tell her about the love that God has for everyone.
But I will never miss another chance like that ever again.
God loves you SO much that He came to Earth as a baby--Jesus. Jesus lived a perfect life, and was God here on Earth with us. I can't explain it, but the Book of John in the Bible explains it great. Jesus died a horrid death to pay for all the wrong stuff we do.
The Bible calls it sin--which is missing the mark. We can't hit God's mark of perfect, but Jesus was able to. So He died for us. Then, to prove He was God, He rose again back to life after three days. No other religious person in history ever did that.
Just Jesus.
And He wants to take away your sin, make your life worth living, and show you a better way to live.
Maybe I don't explain it so well, but I know it's true. And I want to see all of you in Heaven one day. Jesus is the only way. It's not popular, but truth isn't always popular.
Like the truth that we could all die any day.
It doesn't matter that we're young. She was younger than me. Now, she's gone.
This Christmas, think about that.
And take the greatest Christmas gift ever given--Jesus.
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
My First Award!
One of my mom's blogging friends, Melissa at Bibliophile's Retreat, honored me with my very first blogger award. I feel almost as cool as my mom now!

The rules are that you link back to the one who gave you the award (Thank you, SO much, Melissa!). Then you pick 10 bloggers to receive this award.
Unfortunately, I'm just starting out in blogging. But my mom received The Butterfly Award, and she says it's always nice to share with your comment givers, so that's what I'm doing.
If you read my blog, you bless and encourage me...so feel free to receive this beautiful award from me, KT.
I'm so thankful that God has allowed me to do this blog for teens like me and for moms and dads who try to teach their kids right from wrong, good from bad, and what God wants for them.
Each reader out there makes me feel like I am doing what God wants me to do, and you encourage me to keep going, even when I feel like no one notices. Now, I know someone does. And that makes me feel SO special.
I'll be posting more reviews soon.
Till then, save my place for me!

The rules are that you link back to the one who gave you the award (Thank you, SO much, Melissa!). Then you pick 10 bloggers to receive this award.
Unfortunately, I'm just starting out in blogging. But my mom received The Butterfly Award, and she says it's always nice to share with your comment givers, so that's what I'm doing.
If you read my blog, you bless and encourage me...so feel free to receive this beautiful award from me, KT.
I'm so thankful that God has allowed me to do this blog for teens like me and for moms and dads who try to teach their kids right from wrong, good from bad, and what God wants for them.
Each reader out there makes me feel like I am doing what God wants me to do, and you encourage me to keep going, even when I feel like no one notices. Now, I know someone does. And that makes me feel SO special.
I'll be posting more reviews soon.
Till then, save my place for me!
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Single Sashimi by Camy Tang

From the Back of the Book:
Venus Chau is a high-powered video game developer. Now she might be working for the man she’s always hated … but what if he’s no longer the man she thought she knew? The third book in the Sushi series offers romance with the spice of ginger.
My Thoughts:
This book is the third in the series, and is far better than the other two (I know, I keep saying that--but it's TRUE!). I could NOT put this one down (I know, I keep saying that--BUT IT'S TRUE, I TELL YOU!).
The fact that Venus was such a control freak appealed to me. I like order myself, and it reminded me of some people I know. But when she finally decided to let loose, whoa, momma!
The way she allowed God to run her life when everything started tumbling down was amazing and so real. I could understand what she was going through; I could feel what she felt.
When it seemed God was holding her, it felt like He was holding me, too. It was a little freaky, but so cool! I want to learn to be as free and to let go like Venus learned to with God.
I loved the ending, but I'm not giving anything away. Just trust me, it was amazing--except for ONE PART--but I'm not letting that slip either. I was happy, yet not. Hey, I'm 18--what do you expect??
I can't wait to get my hands on the final book, but I'm going nuts just thinking about it. The final book. That will be so cool. Write faster, Camy!
Till then, hold my place for me!
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Only Uni by Camy Tang

From the Back of the Book:
Senior biologist Trish Sakai is ready for a change from her wild, flirtatious behavior, so she creates three rules to follow from First and Second Corinthians. But with a persistent ex-boyfriend and a gorgeous coworker in pursuit, suddenly Trish’s simple rules don’t seem so simple after all.
My Thoughts:
This book is the second book in the series, and I think it is way better than the first one!
The depth of character development drew me into the story like I was there. I loved how the consequences of Trish's past decisions were not overlooked, or treated like they didn't matter.
Trish was able to stand up for herself---oops, almost gave away some of the plot! My bad! But let me say she was amazing in how she changed from page to page, and I loved her so much!
I can't wait to find out what happens in the third book, and I have GOT to get my hands on the fourth one (I just know there's going to be a fourth one--four cousins--DUH!)!
I just had a conversation with some girls that was in this series of books, especially the one about Trish, and maybe by reading these books I can find the right words to help them get what I'm trying to tell them.
Or maybe I'll just give them the books...
Till then, save my place for me!
P.S. To Camy Tang: KEEP WRITING!! You are an AMAZING writer, and I love you.
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Sushi For One? by Camy Tang

From The Back of the Book:
Lex Sakai's family is big, nosy, and marriage minded. When her cousin Mariko gets married, Lex will become the oldest single female cousin in the clan.
Lex has used her Bible study class on Ephesians to compile a huge list of traits for the perfect man. But the one man she keeps running into doesn't seem to have a single quality on her list. It's only when the always-in-control Lex starts to let God take over that all the pieces of this hilarious romance finally fall into place.
My Thoughts:
This book is so amazing--as I read it, I felt like I was a part of this clan! When the hard or bad things happened to Lex, I hurt like she hurt. Lex was amazing in how she stood up to her Grandmother. I was cheering her on!
Grandmother is really, really mean!
When things got really tough for her, I thought it was totally amazing that she finally turned to God in the end, and because she trusted in God, everything in her life ended up great in the end.
Things didn't turn out like SHE wanted them--her list didn't work. But they turned out like God wanted them to. That taught me to always listen to God, and to keep my ears open to what He has to say about my life.
I would recommend this book to anybody who has a hard time with either family relationships or someone who isn't sure of what they want in life. By reading "Sushi For One?" we can learn that God has a plan for our lives and that it will always turn out good in the end.
I'm reading the second book in this amazing series...
Till then, hold my place for me!
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Do Hard Things By Alex & Brett Harris

From the Back Book: Most people don’t expect you to understand what we’re going to tell you in this book. And even if you understand, they don’t expect you to care. And even if you care, they don’t expect you to do anything about it. And even if you do something about it, they don’t expect it to last. We do. – Alex and Brett
My Thoughts: "Do Hard Things" makes you think that the world today has a poor view on teens and how that view makes us feel. They show us that we are not limited to what the world thinks of what we can do. When I read the book "Do Hard Things" I can see why some pople are were they are. They let the world hold them back and they never felt good enough to do anything else. Even thow I havent been through most of what they talk about in their book. I see how what they say is efecting teens today. They put so much stuff in to veiw for teens and they make you want to do hard things.
Till Next Time Hold My Place
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
The Secret Life Of The American Teenager

My Thoughts: I know that this is blog about books for teens, but God put this in my heart to say today.
I know that a lot of you teens watch TV shows that you just love. Well, there is this new TV show that just came out and, like many girls, I had to see it.
At first it had a good message, but now it has strayed from their main point.
They were trying to help stop teens from having sex, but then some of their main characters started messing around, having sex and not taking it seriously.
I don't see how we as teens are supposed to get the message to not have sex at our age from a TV show like this. When they make it look like it's no big deal, many teens treat sex and hooking up like no big deal.
Just like in the movie Juno, the people behind this show are making it seem too easy and not all that life changing. I thought that this show would take this whole teen sex thing seriously, but it didn't and what does that say to us teens today?
That it's OK to have sex; that it's just fun and cool. Well, I have news for people that make movies and shows like this stuff. What you guys put out there for us to see does happen to have an effect on us.
We do listen to what you say in your shows and movies, and sometimes act on what you show us is OK to do. I know of teens that have had sex and gotten pregnant and have flipped out and didn't know what to do.
So for you teens out there, please talk to your mom or dad. Don't get your sex advice from the TV, books, magazines or movies.
Till then, hold my place for me.
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