Monday, June 16, 2008

Serenity #2:Stepping out


From The Back of The Book:It's Deep Dish Trouble for Serenity.

Detention, date-stealing, and an out-of-control driving mishap. It all adds up to some unexpected twists and turns in Serenity's life - leading her to a job delivering pizzas and a desperate plea for deliverance that only God can answer.

My Thoughts:

I think that these books are great for people that are just thinking about God and for people that are wanting to help their unsaved friends.

I think that this series has helped me with my unsaved friends and helped me get better at being a Godly friend to them.

I think that those of you who read my blog should go out and buy them for your children.

I think that I'm done now:-)

Till Next Time Hold My Place

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